The 10th of November 2010

Published on by François

Today's Program


The District Governor's visit to our Club


Guests: Beside our dear Governor, Assem Abdel Razek, there were two other Districts representants, our beloved Assistant Governor, Manon Choucha and to finish as well as we like, our District Coordinator, Adel Hafez. On top of that, we have had the great pleasure to meet again Gérard Pels, Belgian Rotarian, who made the repair of the Basilica's organ and coming for the Concert organized on the 12 of November with the Cathedral of Antwerp organist, Mr Peter Van de Velde.


Events of the day: District Governor's visit is an event by itself, nothing more... But, our Governor's gave us the opportunity to congratulate him and to wish him a very, very, very


Happy Birthday... Dear Assem...


What an elegance to give us this chance instead of anybody else... Thanks to his parents too...


Birthdays: The District Governor has had the nice gesture to get older within our Club. He could have done it before or after (not him but his parents) but he chose to give us the opportunity to wish him an Happy Birthday. You will see the cake very soon... We still wish the best for his Rotarian and personnal lives for the next 1000 years.


Governor Assem 

 The District Governor, Assem Abdel Razek

Manon Choucha ADG Manon Choucha & ADGC Adel HafezAdel Abdel Razek



After welcoming our dear Governor, Shadia made a very nice and professionnal presentation with a slide show made by master's hands. Even if some of the listeners were falling asleep now and then (you will see some trouble making pictures), it was really well done, clear and giving a concrete idea of what we do.


The members were as impressed as the Governor and his working team.


Congratulations to Shadia who did it like a champion, bravo.


The different Committee Chair persons were called following each other and made a complete tour of what their Committees were doing. You will see them in a special slide show and sometime it is so well organized that we don't believe that it was done in a Rotary Club (very bad humor) but I am proud to say that we did it seriously without taking us as serious.


Congratulations to all the Committee Chair persons and to all the members

who worked as much as they wanted and could to reach that result.


Now, after congratulating everybody let's go to see it again and again. Here are some slide shows made to show to the whole world what we did that day for our DG Governor's visit. You like it or not, it was like that and we are all witnesses of that event as you will see...






Here are the Governor's pictures, you will see him full of energy, listening to the speakers with deep concentration (don't think he is sleeping, not at all, he is so concentrated that he is all ears), cutting his cake for his birthday...




The CCCCake...




And the cut of it...






Now, a slide show about our beloved President Shadia

who was perfect in her organization manager's position.




The Committe Chair persons are explaining

what they did and what they will do...

A long story...


  Vertic-1.gif Vertic-2.gif


Vertic-3.gif Vertic-4.gif


The rest of the Committee Chair persons and so forth... 








And to finish with the best of the best slide shows about our members...

Here too, you will feel that they are so concentrated

that they are close to "extatic" behaviours...






Now, the show is finished and we have to return

to our "normal" working meetings...

The show must go on...




You don't see it at the first sight but

this group picture is a real wonder...




A very very very big huge pack of thanks to Maged Amer, our President's husband, Rotarian from Dubai Club, who has made all the nice and numerous pictures you are looking at. He did a very great job and I would like to tell him how much I am grateful for this well done work.


Next meeting, the spouse night

in the Swiss Club

for a "fondue" on the 24th of November.


Be all there, we already wait you...

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