The 7th of July 2010

Published on by François

Today's Program


Guests: Manon Choucha, our District assistant, Maged Amer (who is not really a guest in plus that he is Shadia's husband), Hassan Abdel Hamid (who will be our guest for the last time, today he will be a member of Sunrise after pinning by Shadia our President)


Event of the day: 2 Paul Harris Fellowship will be given to, Magdy Mounir and Nadim Elias


Birthdays: Today is the birthday of Amr Abdel Kawi and Maged Amer, all our wishes for both of them.


Pictures: I prefer to tell you from now, the pictures will not be as well as we would like. We have good excuses (like usual).

1. I forgot my camera which is the most stupid thing I could do and I did it.

2. Then, I asked Omër and Maged Amer to take pictures and send them to me. Omër did not have battery in his mobile and Maged was the only one able to take pictures.

3. Even then, Maged didn't take good pictures because he was so stressed. Imagine, his wife was having her first Presidential meeting of the year and he was getting one year more the same day. It was too much to be concentrated and give the best of his photographer's profile.


Please forgive all of us for our mistakes and enjoy closing your eyes in front of the nice pictures...


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After the time done for the breakfast Shadia welcome our guests and all of us.


Time was given to pin our dear friends Hassan, Magdy and Nadim. Hassan was welcomed to our  Club, Magdy and Nadim were receiving the Paul Harris Fellowship Awards they deserve for what they did, they do and they will do.


After this soft ceremony Shadia asked the Committee's Heads to present their yearly program.



Pinning of our dear Hassan.


Welcome on board and many thanks for what you already did with the Italian Club during the Chicago's Rotaractors visit and the Handover.


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After pinning our friend Hassan, the way was opened for Magdy and Nadim to receive their Paul Harris Fellowship Awards.


My dear Magdy, you have been the victim of our photographers' team. The picture was so bad that I couldn't put it here without 100 years shame upon my weak shoulders. Please forgive me. Nadim, because he is strong and tall made the difference, the photographer was afraid to mess up his pictures and get bad consequences of that. Then he took this...


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Heads of Committees statements:


By mission, we understand that this is the work our Heads of Committees intend to do this Rotarian year.



Mission, 3 new members, 4 speakers about Rotary's knowledge and to increase awareness and encouraging the people to come.



Mission, more speakers with the help of members, rafles and follow up of the absent members, speakers for the spouse nights and changing them to fundraising events.



The Rotary Foundation rejected our matching grant because we were out of shedule for its presentation.

Then, we have to describe a new project, establish its budget and be on time for the request of a matching grant. Dead line for the application, end of October and 31st of March.

Rawi thinks that we could ask the Chicago's Club to increase his share.

We have 3 projects which are; Museums' brochure, CLA classes and Zawayet Sultan.

Magdy will send the budget to Rawi. Nadim added that we have to finish the previous projects before heading for new ones.

There is a Rotary Foundation seminar in November 2010. We might be as numerous as possible.

We'll try to change the beneficiary's name of the 3rd Paul Harris Fellowship we got or push the pending one to be more present at our meetings.



Only bad news about money. The conclusion is that we have to be very efficient to fundraise this year and all the others too. Sorry for Naguib for forcing him to give us only this kind of news. We have all to give him something to count and he will give us very good news.



We'll begin to bring speakers for the spouse nights.


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He needs the subject and a full description to make the documents about our fundraising dinner. Nadim will provide him such documents.


At the end of the meeting Shadia asked Manon Choucha to tell us some words.


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She promised us to assist us and we all know her good will and strenght to do it. She was regretting that we were not in the Mega Project, and will her best to increase our Rotary knowledge.


Before finishing our meeting our dear President  told us a very good news for the Club and a very bad for us...


François de Maurissens will have a Vice Sergeant at Arms in the person of Nessim who is the best moneymaker we could find between us (and also the most funny). We wish him to be tougher than last year for the benefit of our Club. We have to prepare small change in advance I feel...


See you all on the 14th of July 2010.

Published on Meeting news

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