Published on by François

Bad news


We have a bad guy within us.


He is more dangerous than our previous (and still operating as vice-SAA) Sergeant at Arms, Nessim.


He is full of very good ideas to make Naguib's life easier at the expenses of all, even himself.


Then I am obliged to tell to everybody...




Alive and in a good health, Hassan


Hassan Abdel Hamid


This nice gentleman wrote the text hereunder and then deserves something, I don't know what...

But we can't let him like that... Give us all your ideas and opinions about this outlaw member...


Dear Ashraf,


Thanks for sharing these pictures with us.  I have one comment to make which could possibly generate some money for the club (if our sergeant at arms agrees): other than Francois, Nessim and someone else whom I do not know, most of the members are not wearing their pins, including our beautiful president.  Assuming 10 pounds per person and 20 persons in attendance that would add up to 200 pounds, more if we should consider that the president pays extra (just joking ya Shadia).  Since the money was not collected at the gathering, we should add delay interest at a rate of 2 % per day with a minimum of 5 pounds per day.  That would make an additional 35 pounds per person times 20.  We now would have 1600 pounds which could be invested for us at an annual rate of 10 % so our funds would now be 1760 pounds.  By now, some people will probably be thinking ‘what a terrible idea this guy called Hassan has so let’s miss the next meeting, the idea will die by itself’.  Not so easy, I would advise my good friend Naguib to add the delinquent members in paying to a special list and add 10 % daily interest with a minimum of 50 pounds per day to their outstanding from the first meeting after the gathering.  Assuming that 10 persons tried to avoid payment for 5 consecutive meetings that would add up to 17,500 pounds in addition to the 1600 pounds generated in precedent…  Why do we need to do a gala dinner to boost the club’s finances when we could just apply creative fundraising methods?


From Geneva, all the best to all ;-)




After that text he is courageous enough to sign it and to send it from Geneva, looking at the Leman lake instead of being with us perspiring under the hot temperature of Cairo. Don't tell me that we won't do anything to him...

Perhaps, giving him some congratulations about his thinking on the financial rescue we have to manage. Only a banker could think like that, maybe he is one...

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